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Hi everybody. I am upen just trying to sharre some knowledge about Search Engine Marketing with you, which i got from some of my experience. Thanks.

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Aug 16, 2009

Blog Posting

Blog Posting is the time taking and enjoyable step of off page elements . It gives us quick link but we need to make so good like a live site so that people will came again and again and click our link visit our site.Technically Blog post is a off page element in which we have to creatbloga regarding the targeted keyword with descriptions photos, video and songs also. The followings are the steps:

Step 1:
At first we need a Email Id and a Username to register in blog sites. We can use the similar E mail which one is used for other offpage works. Then open blog sites, if you don't know blog sites you can take help of google or you can ask me for blog sites or go to Blog host. Now for an example lets take google's blog site named as Blogger.com.

Step 2:
Now after register if there is any option to confirm then go to email to active account otherwise login the site and write down anything about the targetd keyword. Anything means something intersting and very good contet which everyone can understand and will like to read more.Dont forget to name the blog as your targeted keyword. If you are working on the keyword mobile solutions and you have to make a blog in blogger.com then url should be www.mobilesolutions.blogspot.com.

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