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Hi everybody. I am upen just trying to sharre some knowledge about Search Engine Marketing with you, which i got from some of my experience. Thanks.

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Jul 10, 2009

How to use InformEnter ?

First Locate Inform Enter: After instalation it will on status bar. Bellow in figure first icon as a Enter mark is Inform Enter.

Just single click on it and go to InFormEnter Options.. And a screen will appear like bellow.

After you edit and save data as you like, save that profile. You can see the InFormEnter icon with every form of websites. Look it the bellow figure:

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Jul 5, 2009

How to use Fire Form ?

Firs Locate Fire form : after istalling fire form there will be a icon on status bar like a firefox icon. (refer to the image)

The middle icon is the Fire form.

Just right click on it and go to "Advanced Setup"

Then there will be a form appear where you can edit for any field and save data as you require.

How to fillup this form ?
It is very easy, there is two boxes for every single data, such as value and trigger.
In trigger fill the required keyword and in value what you want. for example if your user name is toddlers then in trigger write username and in value type toddlers.
Once all the fields fill up properly you can fill a web form with a single click on it.
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Jul 2, 2009

Starting to SEO

What is Internet?

Before all we have to know what is Internet. So Internet is an interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via TCP/IP protocol. Or in other words we can say Internet is the network of networks. Through internet we connect computers around world.

What is TCP?IP ?

TCP/IP is the protocols which controls and helps the flow of internet. TCP refers to Transfore Crontol Protocol and IP refers to Internet Protocol.

Do you know what is browser?

Browser means the software which is used to use the internet. Just like we use Window Media Player to play Mp3, video, etc. There are some browsers which commenly used by peoples.
Such as :
1. Internet Explorer (Which is defult browser in every Microsoft Windows version.)
2. Mozzila Firefox ( This is a unique production of Mozzila with various Add ons.)
3. Google Chrom (This the browsing product of Google.)
4. Opera , etc

Mainly in SEO work Mozzila Firefox Plays a important role. Its various Add ons helps in work ,
consume less time.

What is Search Engine ?
When you are going to do search engine optimization , you should know what is search engine actually. You can say its a web engine which is used to search the world wide web (www) . Technically Search engine is a software program which have a databse by gathering, indexing and reporting that contains or relates that which you searching in internet. It crawl web sites all over the world and index them serialy, so for if anybody search something it saw all related web pages as result.
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